Floral Marketing Supporters

Hugs & Smiles Promotion Campaign
The Great Lakes Floral Association has partnered with the Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB) and developed a radio and television promotion designed to get consumers to buy more flowers. The campaign is titled “Hugs and Smiles” and will run July 27, 2020 through September 30, 2020. It will consist of up to 7500 thirty-second radio and TV spots that will run on MAB stations across the state of Michigan. The Great Lakes Floral Association (GLFA), Association of Flower Importers of Florida (AFIF), American Floral Endowment Floral Marketing Research Fund, CalFlowers and Asocolflores are funding the campaign. The idea behind the campaign is educate consumers on the health benefits of having flowers in their lives and how easy and safe it is to order and send flowers.
Find a Participating Hugs & Smiles Bouquet Retail Florist
Interview with Jerome Raska, President of the Great Lakes Floral Association
Here’s the script for the ads:
There’s a reason we feel happy to receive them…
and just as happy to send them.
Because studies prove that flowers reduce anxiety, increase happiness, and help us live in the moment.
Best part is, you don’t even need a prescription.
Which is why the best time for flowers… is always now.
And nothing replaces hugs
Like a bouquet of smiling flowers.
Let the ones you love live in the moment with you… through flowers.
Sponsored by the Great Lakes Floral Association, Floral Marketing Supporters, and the Michigan Association of Broadcasters